Ferdous Alam

Postdoctoral Associate. MechE. MIT


I am a post-doc at MIT working with Faez Ahmed. Recently, I earned my Ph.D. from the Ohio State University where I worked on intelligent robotic manufacturing system and generative computational design. I was fortunate to be supervised by David Hoelzle. Previously, I also worked as a research intern and later a research collaborator at the Autodesk AI Lab on AI for 3D generative computational design. My core expertise includes generative AI, representation learning/reinforcement learning, optimal control theory and AI software integration in manufacturing hardware.

My core vision is to build the next generation of manufacturing automation by taking a synergistic hardware-software approach. I envision a general purpose Intelligent and integrated Manufacturing Operating System (IMOS) that combines AI systems at its core for intelligent CAD/CAM/PDM/PLM, robotic manufacturing and process control. During my PhD and continuing thereafter, I have been working towards this vision by developing novel AI algorithms for computational 3D design and digital manufacturing. A significant focus of my research also includes real-time systems integration of AI-software with novel manufacturing hardware. I have shown one of the first successful deployment of real-time AI-assisted process control in a custom built additive manufacturing system. The algorithms that I have developed can learn to manufacture complex 3D metamaterial while requiring 10x less data samples than traditional approaches.


Jun 19, 2024 I presented my autonomous robotic manufacturing system at MSEC 2024
Apr 29, 2024 I have been award the Google Research Scholar Award 2024 in Applied Science :sparkles:
Apr 17, 2024 I presented our Next-Gen AI work at MIT Shaping the work initiative